
Joining the Society is easy – just fill in a membership form and send it back to us at the address on the form with your payment. The minimum subscription is £10 a year for an adult member or £15 per year for two adults at the same address but we also welcome additional contributions. Children under the age of 18 can join for £3 a year.

Please enclose a payment for your first year’s membership by cheque made payable to The Selborne Society Ltd. or pay by bank transfer using the details on the form. Our membership year starts on 1st January and you will receive a reminder to renew each year but we do encourage members to set up a standing order for all future subscriptions as this helps keep down our administration work. If you have Internet Banking, it’s easy to set up a standing order, please get in touch at for more information.

Our Membership

The Selborne Society has nearly 1,000 members, who support our work via their subscriptions and by coming to events and activities at the reserve. Membership benefits include receiving a copy of the Society’s newsletter three times a year and for those newsletter-free months, we email out a news round-up with details of all our events and activities. Members can visit the reserve on one of our Members’ Days, usually held several times per month, throughout the year. Junior members and their families can come to our monthly Rangers afternoon held on the second Saturday of each month (except August). You can find more details of our junior Rangers activities over on our Facebook page at

Your Data

The Selborne Society is committed to ensuring that any personal data we hold is protected in accordance with current data protection laws and is used in line with your expectations. We will use your data for our legitimate business purposes – to process your membership application and to keep you informed of our own programme of events. We protect your data from unauthorised access and we will never share your data with any other organisations to use for their own benefit.

A full copy of our Privacy Notice is available here.

Please contact us at if you have any questions or if you would like to collect a membership form from the reserve.